Booky Thoughts and Me

Book reviews and pondering thoughts of a down to earth person

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Music Wednesdays: Following the Sun by Enigma

Following the Sun by Enigma

Following the sun, to find the one
Who’s given you the wings to fly
Following the sun, the golden one
Losing sense for space and time

I’m following the sun
To find the one who
Can feel the waves of life
Can you hear the sigh of love
Do you believe in it?

Following the sun, just for the one
Till you find the door you thought
Following the sun, like everyone
Just searching for a sign of hope

I’m following the sun
To find the one and look
up in the sky, see the billion stars above.
Cause maybe on one of them you’ll spend
your further life.

I’ve been a fan of Enigma for the longest time, however, it has only been recently that I came across this song by them.  Interestingly enough, it was already on my ipod, but I never ran across it when I shuffled the songs. This isn’t the first time that it has happened and it makes me wonder whether the song shows up just when you need it. What I mean by that is:  either something significant might be happening in your life, the mood that you are in or something that needs to be done and by listening to a particular song, it happens or vice versa.

This song is peaceful and it soothes, but it also inspires. Awhile back when I was first listening to it, I just started writing and didn’t stop until two or three hours later. I looked up and realized that the time flew by because I was so lost in the world that I was writing about. Very few songs are able to do that to me and this is one of those songs. It might have lyrics, but they do not get in the way of your thought processes, your thinking and living in the world that you are creating.

Do you have moments where something just stands out, when before it was right in front of you, but you did not notice it?

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The Ice Rinks are almost open

The winter season is slowly approaching, yet despite the cold weather I am excited! I’ve got a cold a few times already, I’ve got sick once already, I’ve drank so much tea that it is ridiculous but I still love the winter weather. The ice rinks will be opening up in the next few days and let the ice skating begin.  It is not for everyone, especially if you don’t like continuously falling on your but and if you don’t like the cold weather. However, there is nothing better than putting on a pair of ice skates and skating to the wind or the music that’s coming from your Ipod, mp3 player or whatever you have on hand.  It’s great exercise, you get fresh air, and you get a chance to meet new people, if you are up for socializing. There’s nothing better than dragging your friends to an ice skating rink and watching them fall over and over and making a fool of themselves. The best part is being right there and doing the same thing. You’re a fool, but so are your friends. 🙂

When it is snowing or flurring lightly, it is magical to ice skate. You can close your eyes and spin and imagine. There are so many possibilities and no one to stop you. You might fall down, but the best part? You learn to get up and try again and again and again. There is no giving up here.

Do you like ice skating if you are in areas where they have ice skating rinks? Or is the cold just too much for you?

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Music Wednesday- Rise Up by Yves LaRock

Rise Up by LaRock

My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high

Rise Up
don’t falling down again
Rise Up
long time I broke Its chains.
I try to fly a while so high
direction sky
I try to fly a while so high
direction sky

Today’s song is an inspirational song, at least it is for me. The lyrics encourage you to keep on trying and even if you fall down, to get back up and try again. The beat and the rhythm make is great to listen to, and gives you energy. The beat gives you that extra energy to push yourself further, whether it’s running, doing different exercises or just roller blading. It just makes you want to get up and dance or run away. 🙂

There are days when I need cheering up, or to be pushed or just to enjoy the moment. This song is a great one for those kinds of things. There is no way that you can be sad once you are done listening to it. This song reminds me of the things I have worked for so hard in the past and when I accomplished them, it was like a new beginning. I felt empowered to do anything no matter how small or big. I am also reminded every time that there are still a lot of things that I have not yet accomplished due to lack of time, money or some other reason. I will persevere and try to get them done sooner rather than later. It might take  me a few days or weeks, but the important thing is to complete them. The knowledge of having your dreams realized is a powerful thing. It will keep knocking on your door (within your subconscious) and reminding you to get it done.

We all have dreams that have not yet been realized or put to the side due to circumstances. Take them out and get started!

Here is a sample:

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Dragonette and Young Empires Concert

Young Empires at the Sound Academy

Aside from going to see Lights at last year’s (2011) CNE, I don’t remember when the last time I went to a concert was. It’s not that I don’t enjoy music or going to concerts, it’s just it’s always been either expensive, I had work and couldn’t book it off or the band that I wanted to see wasn’t coming to the Toronto area. Plus it helps having company to go with you and see a said concert. In any case, I finally got a chance to go see Dragonette, Young Empires, and Kaylee Johnston . I’ve never heard of Young Empires but it turns out that their music is exactly what I like.

They’ve been around since October 2009 but this is the first time that I have heard them perform. All I have to say is wow. Their show was amazing. Their music has this energy that makes you want to jump up and down in joy. Some of their songs just grab you and don’t let go. It’s like they are pulling at your soul to come out and see the world. It’s hard to describe the feeling, but it definitely moved me.

It’s rare for me to like the entire album of a particular artist, since I usually like a few songs and the rest are ok. However, I thoroughly enjoyed all the songs that Young Empires played from their new album.

Dragonette was great as well. She performed some of her older songs as well as a few songs from her new album. I haven’t heard her new album yet but will have a listen when I get a chance. It has some great songs on it.

None of my friends came with me so I was by myself. However, I don’t care whether that makes me a loser or not. There is nothing wrong with going to a concert by yourself and having a blast. I had a great time and I am glad that I had a chance to see it live. It’s hard to find people who have the same tastes in music, but that doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t go to a concert. It was a great, although rainy night, but it was definitely memorable.

Here’s a little taste of their music: 🙂