Booky Thoughts and Me

Book reviews and pondering thoughts of a down to earth person

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Book Review: I’m Not Her

I’m Not Her by Janet Gurtler

Published: May 1, 2011

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Source: Library

Synopis (Goodreads): “For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel envy…”

Tess is the exact opposite of her beautiful, athletic sister. And that’s okay. Kristina is the sporty one, Tess is the smart one, and they each have their place. Until Kristina is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly Tess is the center of the popular crowd, everyone eager for updates. There are senior boys flirting with her. Yet the smiles of her picture-perfect family are cracking and her sister could be dying. Now Tess has to fill a new role: the strong one. Because if she doesn’t hold it together, who will?

Personal Thoughts:

This was a hard book to read, mainly because of the subject matter. Cancer is one of those things that you know exists in the world, however, we think that we are invincible and it will never impact us. That is not the case for Tess’ sister Kristina. She’s the perfect daughter, popular, athletic and into boys and makeup and Tess’ mom prefers her over Tess. Nobody notices Tess at school and she is the outcast. Everything changes when Tess’ family discovers that Kristina has cancer. Tess begins to be noticed at school, but not for the right reasons. Everyone is talking to her because they want to find out the latest on Kristina’s cancer and how she is doing. It all starts to be too much and Tess can’t handle it.

I found Tess’, Jeremy’s and Nick’s characters the most relatable and developed. We didn’t really get a chance to really know Kristina beyond the surface. The twist towards the end was shocking and I wasn’t expecting it. It was like ‘wow, did  that just really happen’?  The book definitely impacted my mood for a few days and made me really think about what kind of world we live in.  Janet Gurtler tackles the story line really well and it feels realistic.

This is my second book by this author and she is going on my auto-read list. Her writing style grabs at you and your feelings, it makes you look at the world in a different way. There is no sugar coating in any of her books and she tells it like it is, what you do with it is a different story. Although this was a difficult read, I will be re-reading it sometime in the future. Sometimes when you re-read books, you tend to find out more and see things more clearly from when you originally read it.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

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Waiting On Wednesday: Let the Sky Fall

New WoWWaiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Let The Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

Publication Date: March 5, 2013

Publisher: Simon Pulse

Synopsis (Goodreads): Seventeen-year-old Vane Weston has no idea how he survived the category five tornado that killed his parents. And he has no idea if the beautiful, dark-haired girl who’s swept through his dreams every night since the storm is real. But he hopes she is.

Seventeen-year-old Audra is a sylph, an air elemental. She walks on the wind, can translate its alluring songs, and can even coax it into a weapon with a simple string of commands. She’s also a guardian—Vane’s guardian—and has sworn an oath to protect Vane at all costs. Even if it means sacrificing her own life.

When a hasty mistake reveals their location to the enemy who murdered both of their families, Audra’s forced to help Vane remember who he is. He has a power to claim—the secret language of the West Wind, which only he can understand. But unlocking his heritage will also unlock the memory Audra needs him to forget. And their greatest danger is not the warriors coming to destroy them—but the forbidden romance that’s grown between them.

Personal Thoughts: The great news is that it is coming out next Tuesday and that will be here before we know it! 🙂 I saw this cover a while back and it looks awesome. The plot sounds fascinating! It will be interesting to see the use of earth elements and how they fight back when bad guys show up on scene. This book has a lot of potential and it’s the start of series. You know me and my series. I sure do love them.


Liebster Award!


I received my second nomination today and it sure lifted my spirits and made my day! I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by Mag and Maddi over at the MegaMad4Books. Thank you guys for the nomination! According to them, a Liebster award is awarded to bloggers with less than 200 followers as a form of recognition and support to keep on blogging. I’ll answer the questions first and then ask my own questions to my nominees.

The rules are as follows:

1. You must thank the person who nominated you

2. Answer the 11 questions they have asked you

3. Nominate 11 other people

4. Ask them 11 questions in return

My Answers:

1. If you could have a super power what would it be? It would be  having the ability to teleport anywhere else in the world in a blink. You can get a lot done with that kind of talent, whether it is saving someone  or just using it to travel the world or just disappear for a while from your surroundings. I think it would be pretty cool to have this ability.

2. Harry potter or Edward Cullen? and why? Harry Potter for sure. Why? The accent 🙂 Haha I am a sucker for accents and he looks more appealing than Edward Cullen.

3. Why did you start your blog? I’ve been writing for a while and I even had a blog a while ago, yet it always stagnated and nothing came out of it. I think my main reason was because of the books and the blogging community. At first I wrote for myself, but when people started to comment and I saw that others were reading my blog, it gave me a push to become better and continue the blog.

4. If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you would buy? I would probably buy a house for my parents to retire in comfortably.

5. If you knew the world would end tomorrow what would you do today?  That’s a tough question because I would want to do a lot in a one day span. Aside from spending as much time with my family and friends, I would do something adventurous. Don’t ask my what because I haven’t thought of it yet. 😉

6. If you could be sucked into your favourite book, what book would that be? I think it would be Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts. The main reason why would be because of where it is based in. It’s in Ireland 🙂 Think green rolling hills and the Irish brogue. *swoon*

7. What would people say about you at your funeral? I think that people would say that it would be very hard to find someone as special and unique as me.

8. If you could be given any gift what would it be? I think it would be knowing people that truly care for me and are always there for me no matter what. Too many times, I have disappointed in life by those around me.

9. What would you call yourself if you could pick your own name? Either a Caitlyn, Kelly or Jenna. However, I kind of like it that my name isn’t very popular in North America. 🙂

10. Your favourite item of clothing and why? Jeans. They are a staple in my wardrobe.

11. What would your ultimate pet be? I currently have two cats and I have had cats throughout my life. I think it would be awesome to have a ferret or a cow as a pet.

My Nominees:

My Questions:

1. Who is your favorite author and why?

2. Name one thing that is weird about you or out of the ordinary.

3. When you have felt like giving up, what made you continue?

4. Are you a social butterfly or more of an introvert?

5. Name one thing that you would do out of your comfort zone.

6. What is your favorite food?

7. If you were able to dive into a book and live there, what book would it be?

8.Have you ever attempted to write a short story or book? How did it go?

9.What made you start writing your blog?

10. What is your favorite movie of all time?

11.   What can’t you live without? Why?

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The Booker Award

A while back I received a lovely comment on my blog, a nomination for The {Booker Award } from Asha over at Asha’s Literary Corner. I love seeing readers coming to my blog and reading the book reviews that I write as well as any other random posts that I post. It always makes me giddy to see that people actually are interested in reading what I write. When I saw this post and that I was nominated, I was so excited! My first blog award! 🙂 Here’s a bit of information of what The {Booker} Award is all about from Asha’s blog:

The {Booker}Award is a prize for literary and book-centered blogs. And I take this opportunity to nominate all those adorable book blogs that like mine are about nothing but books!

The {Booker}Award is for book blogs only! The deserving blogs must be at least 50% about books, reading, book-reviewing etc.

  • On being awarded with The {Booker}Award, you must share with readers your top five favorite books you have read in your life so far.
  • On being awarded with The {Booker}Award, you must share with readers your most favorite author/writer. Possibly, also the reason why you like their literary work.
  • On being awarded with The {Booker}Award, you must share with readers your favorite genres.
  • (This is self-invented) Why are books SPECIAL in your life? This is optional and you don’t really have to answer it. But would love to know your reasons nonetheless.
  • You must give this award to five or ten or any number of other lucky book blogs that you adore.
  • And least importantly, show-off the award on your site and link it back to me

The book bloggers whose blogs I have been following and absolutely love their writing/blogs are:

Book Nerd, Bewitched Bookworms, Browsing Bookshelves, Midnight Bloom Reads, Word for Teens, Book Nook and many more. 🙂

Top Five Favorite Books

The Alchemist

A Walk to Remember

Where The Heart Is

The Power of One

In The Orchard, the Swallows

Favorite Author/Writer

Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb


Although Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb is not a classic literary writer, she is a favorite of mine. She has two genres with one of them under a pseudonym. I know that whenever I pick up a book of hers I will not be disappointed and I will be taken away into a world that helps me escape reality. I have a lot of other favorite authors but I’ll just list one.

Favorite Genres




Supernatural/Science fiction



Books have been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. My parents always read to me, and I just picked it up over time. It wasn’t until around grade 7/8 that I became an avid reader not just a casual reader. Books let me escape reality, especially in those really tough times where I feel as though I don’t belong anywhere. They let me feel safe and there is no judgement.


Cover Reveal: The Truth About Letting Go

The Truth About Letting Go

The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore
Publishing: February 21st 2013
Genre: YA Contemporary

Synopsis:  Ashley wants to smash everything in her once-perfect life.
Charlotte wants to walk in Ashley’s seemingly charmed shoes.
Colt wants to turn Smalltown USA on its ear—with Ashley at his side.
Jordan wants to follow his heart…
But Ashley’s the one sacrifice he never expected to make.

Up until now, Ashley Lockett’s followed the rules. She’s always done the right thing, played it safe, gone to church. Then her ideal life is torn apart when her dad dies suddenly.

Now she’s miserable and furious, and she makes a vow not to believe in anything. She’s on a mission to do everything opposite of how she lived before—rejecting safety, the rules, faith…

And then she meets Jordan.

Jordan has big dreams, he’s a great kisser, and he wants to help her through her grief. He also believes in everything Ashley now claims to hate.

Then she meets Colt. He is not safe. And he’s ready to help Ashley fulfill her mission


LTMLeigh Talbert Moore

Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a freelance editor when time permits, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of any great love story, a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.
Leigh’s debut novel The Truth About Faking is available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo.
Her second book, Rouge, is a mature YA/new adult romantic suspense novel set in New Orleans. It’s available on Amazon.
Personal Thoughts:
I love the cover or maybe I should specify. I love the colors that are on the cover itself. It reminds me of a summer day where anything is possible.  The people on the cover seem to be really into each other and we can’t really see their faces. The cover makes me think of innocence and not having a care in the world. 🙂 One thing that is minor and that is bugging me is the second part of the title (the font). I think if they stuck it out with one font or the other it would have looked more pleasing to the eye. In any case, that’s not going to stop me from getting a copy and reading it once it comes out. 🙂

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Music Wednesdays: Still Young by Neon Trees

“Still Young” by Neon Trees

Love is a game that we could play
Even only for today
I don’t wanna lose you
We’ve been apart for far too long
Now we only have a song
Let the music move you
There was a part of me
That never left a part of you
I wish I could be everything you wanted
But I’m still young
Wide-eyed and hopeless
Yeah I’m still young
I want your devotion to this
Can we kiss like we do in my head
Can we dance like we do on my bed
Like we’re still young
Love is a loss that we incur
When we gamble with the world
I don’t wanna lose you
I feel my life has just begun
I can hear you singalong
Now the music in you
There was a part of me
That never left a part of you
I wish I could be everything you wanted
Personal Thoughts: I haven’t done a Music Wednesday in quite a while, and today felt like one of those days that’s calling out to me. This song just invokes so much emotion within me. Although this song is about love, it reminds me about so many other things in my life. It makes me remember the times that weren’t as real as they are these days. Mind you, the world is always real, but the ability to escape for a while or just pretend sometimes that it’s not real is what is missing.

I miss the times that I could dream about so many things and attempting to accomplish them. Nowadays it is so much harder to go after what you want. It is not for a lack of passion, but maybe it is out of fear, the reality surrounding me or something else entirely.

They say that we are usually our own worst enemies and we prevent ourselves from becoming the best that we can. Is it true? In some ways it is and in other it is not. There have been obstacles where I almost broke down and didn’t want to keep going, yet after a bit of time, I said enough is enough and got back on my feet. At other times, you just don’t want to get back up even though you know that you have to.

My question to everyone is: When you have been beaten in trying to achieve a dream/a goal, where do you get your inspiration to get back on your feet and keep fighting?

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Book Review: Keeping the Moon

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Published: May 11, 2004

Publisher: Speak

Source: Library

Synopsis (Goodreads): Colie expects the worst when she’s sent to spend the summer with her eccentric aunt Mira while her mother, queen of the television infomercial, tours Europe. Always an outcast — first for being fat and then for being “easy” — Colie has no friends at home and doesn’t expect to find any in Colby, North Carolina. But then she lands a job at the Last Chance Cafe and meets fellow waitresses Morgan and Isabel, best friends with a loving yet volatile relationship. Wacky yet wise, Morgan and Isabel help Colie see herself in a new way and realize the potential that has been there all along.

Personal Thoughts: I found this book amazing. It was not what I was expecting. The struggles that Colie goes through are realistic and believable. Throughout the book you can see how she slowly starts to develop as a character and get more confidence. It is not an easy road but when I got to the end of the book, I felt like I could really relate to Colie, her character and  her inner struggles.

The secondary characters: Morgan, Isabel, Norman and Mira were all lovable as well. They were the group of people who you knew were always going to be there for you no matter what happened to you or around you. Sarah Dessen’s writing style is genuine, and as you are reading it plays with your heart-strings. When the characters feel sad or angry, you feel the same emotions as well. She did an excellent job making both the protagonist and the secondary characters relatable and necessary to the story. If there was no Morgan, Isabel, Norman or Mira, I think the story and the feel of it would not have been the same.

Rating: 4/5 Stars